Browsing Artikler by Title
Now showing items 30-49 of 53
Når det ikke-synbare blir gjort synlig
(Journal article, 2004) -
Normality behind the walls: Examples from Halden Prison
(Journal article, 2018)The principle of normality—the idea that life inside prison should be as close as possible to life in the community—is one of the cornerstones of the modern Norwegian correctional system. However, Norway’s current and ... -
Nytt om isolasjon i fengsel
(Journal article, 2013) -
Psychopathy subdomains in violent offenders with and without a psychotic disorder
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Relapse Study in the Correctional Services of the Nordic Countries : Key Results and Perspectives
(Journal article, 2013)Key findings and perspectives from a relapse study of correctional clients in the Nordic countries are presented and discussed. The findings are based on data from national computer registers of correctional offenders. ... -
Resultater og utfordringer i samfunnsstraffen
(Rett på sak;6, Chronicle, 2006) -
Samfunnets og hverdagslivets lidelsesproduksjon og selvmordsproblematikken.
(Journal article, 2010) -
Samfunnsstraff - på tide med en revisjon
(Journal article, 2018)Forfatterne går igjennom de siste års bruk av samfunnsstraff og straffereaksjonens fremvekst i lovgivningen. Bruken av samfunnsstraff går ned, samtidig som en stadig større andel ubetingede fengselsdommer gjennomføres ... -
Selvmord i norske fengsler : del 1
(Journal article, 2000) -
Selvmord i norske norske fengsler : del 2
(Journal article, 2000) -
Sertifisert som seniorprogramleder i VINN-programmet
(Journal article, 2009) -
Soningskøen - myter og realiteter
(Journal article, 1988) -
Straffens begrunnelser i rettssamfunnet: mellom samfunnsplikt og personlig frihet
(Others, 2013-12-06)I denne teksten belyses straffens begrunnelser i den demokratiske rettsstaten. Teksten tar opp til drøfting både prinsippene bak allmennprevensjonsargumentasjonen og argumentasjonen om rettferdig gjengjeldelse. -
Testing the Static-99R as a Global Screen for Risk of Sex Crime Recidivism in a Norwegian Routine Sample
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
The Norwegian approach to electronic monitoring : Changing the system and making a difference
(Journal article, 2018)In 2008, the year that electronic monitoring (EM) was first implemented in Norway, 100 offenders were tagged. Ten years later, more than half of all offenders are starting their sentence outside of prison, mainly due to ... -
The Norwegian drug court model - an alternative to incarceration for criminal drug addicts
(Journal article, 2018) -
Varetekt – et haleheng i kriminalomsorgen?
(Journal article, 2001) -
"VINN" - An accredited motivational program promoting convicted women's sense of coherence and coping
(Journal article, 2013)