Før og nå
This report is the result of the assignment to research “What are the consequences of
increased delegation of tasks for the relations between correctional staff and inmates?
Both the officers’ and inmates’ situation should be investigated.”
We have interpreted the commission to be a question of whether the increased
delegation of tasks has consequences for the relations between correctional officers and
inmates in prison everyday-life. This includes qualitative as well as quantitative
changes. Six prisons all together with the same level of security, but differing in size
and geographical location, has been the empirical ground for this survey. 75 persons in
total partook in conversations with us, all of whom have the “long experience with the
correctional services (prison services)” required and necessary to fulfil our intention of a
historical perspective in the investigation.
Through conversations with (deputy) governors, correctional staff and inmates we have
investigated if changes in assigned tasks as well as delegation of authority have taken
place during the time our partners in conversation have been in the Norwegian
correctional services. Both are seen in light of how changes in the relationship between
correctional staff and inmates are experience by the involved. The manner of conduct of
our investigation has also enabled the partakers to emphasize what they find important
in the descriptions of their experiences with the Norwegian correctional services
through the last 20 years. Hence this report contains both current and retrospective
descriptions, developed through a qualitative investigating approach in combination
with literature and documents studies.