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dc.contributor.authorGotaas, Nora
dc.contributor.authorHøjdahl, Torunn
dc.identifier.citationGotaas, N., & Højdahl, T. (2006). Evaluering av Brobyggerprosjektet : arbeid overfor unge domfelte menn med somalisk og pakistansk bakgrunn. NIBR/KRUS : Oslono_NO
dc.descriptionBrobyggerprosjektet ved Primærmedisinsk verksted var et 3- årig prosjekt rettet inn mot unge domfelte menn med somalisk og pakistansk bakgrunn. Formålet var å prøve ut virkemidler for å styrke den straffedømtes evne til mestring av egen livssituasjon, og å bygge og utvikle sosiale bånd mellom livet innenfor og livet utenfor fengselsmurene. Evalueringen beskriver og vurderer gjennomføringen av prosjektet. NIBRs del av rapporten er rettet inn mot de organisatoriske sidene ved denne gjennomføringen, inkludert ulike former for pårørendeog nettverksarbeid. KRUS’ del tar for seg kriminalomsorgserfaring blant deltakerne i prosjektet og vurderer ulike virkemidler som har vært brukt i arbeidet med å styrke domfeltes evne til mestring; blant annet LOS-samtaler og andre typer samtaleteknikker, samt Transformative Justice.no_NO
dc.description.abstractEvaluation of the Network project ("Brobyggerprosjektet" in Norwegian) Rehabilitation of young men of Somali and Pakistani descent, serving prison sentences. Joint report from NIBR and Correctional Service of Norway Staff Academy 2006 The Network project "Brobyggerprosjektet" has been a joint effort for several years. The Workshop of Primary Healthcare (PMV)1 teamed up with the Oslo prison health authority and others to design a rehabilitation initiative for young men of Pakistani and Somali descent serving prison sentences for various offences. The purpose was to try out approaches aimed at helping the young men to cope with life, creating social ties with people supposed to support them in prison and after release from prison. The project’s clientele counted 20 young men in the age of 15–29. Eight were of Pakistani descent, and twelve had a Somali background. Workshops at PMV and solution focused interviews were among the project’s main methods. The interviews revealed a cluster of complex issues facing the clients, both in prison and following release. All of them had used drugs at some time, and two or three were heavily addicted to drugs. They had no stable income, and none owned or rented an accommodation for themselves. Four had spent more than half their lives after the age of 15 either in prison or in the care of the probation service. The evaluation found that the lives of some of the clients were quite experienced with crime, drugs and former stays in institutionsno_NO
dc.titleEvaluering av Brobyggerprosjektet : arbeid overfor unge domfelte menn med somalisk og pakistansk bakgrunnno_NO
dc.typeResearch reportno_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Social science: 200::Criminology: 350no_NO

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